Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Terrific Tuesday

Hello Everyone, it was not that bad of a day here. I went to work/class and we went over the practice test we took yesterday. I did terribly on it. I missed 8 out of 19. That's not good. This test seemed to be harder than the last test we took. So our instructor let us have a quick break before taking the actual test. I, of course, went out and smoked a cigarette. The entire time, telling myself, that I was determined to make an 85 on it. We took the test and I actually felt pretty confident on it. But, me being the bad-test taker I am, found out, after we got another break while the instructor finished grading them, that I had missed 3 questions on the test already. I was dreading going back in there. We couldn't actually go over the test since a fellow classmate called out today. So we were handed our test score on a piece of paper. I took the paper and closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I knew I hadn't made better than a 90 because there wasn't a sticker on it. Yeah, here I am 31 years old and would have really gotten excited to see a "terrific" sticker. I made an 83.5 on the test. I was very surprised. So, my mentality immediately switched into the next gear. Forget the test and prepare for the next one. The instructor passed out the next "module" that we will go over the week or so. Me being the comedian in the class, of course, made some remark about the 200 pages she handed us. So, I recommended to one of the classmates, that I hang with, that we go to celebrate lunch. We went to this awesome restaurant, a couple of blocks down the street from work called The Cuban Sandwich Shop. It's about the size of a Wendy's. There literally wasn't a seat left in the place when we sat down. I ordered a large Cuban sandwich. It was off the chain. After that, we got back to work just in the nick of time. We got out of the car, and a bolt of lightning came out of nowhere. It scared the $hit out of me. I finally got a hold of Missy today. We chatted for a little bit when I got home. Rachael and I watched one of my favorite movies, Sordid Lives. It's one of those movies, that I laugh my ass off every time. Sometimes, I think it's my life in a nutshell. I feel like a couple of the characters in it. Still, nothing new on the robbery. I was hoping to hear something. But, I am not gonna harass the deputies. I'm sure, that if they find something, they will call us. Growing up, when we got robbed several times while going through high school, it was detrimental then. But, now, I guess, we are just another victim of another statistic. I'm not gonna even try and replace the majority of what was stolen. But, I do wanna, try and replace my LOST season 1 and 2 DVDs and I wanna replace as much of the home automation stuff that I had. I am looking into a wireless camera system. I found a nice 4 camera set that I can hook up to a VCR and it can record all the time, or when someone triggers it. I've always been one to enjoy having gadgets. Before the robbery, I was gonna use the majority of the home automation stuff for my bar. But, its ashame, now I have to instead replace them and use them for security reasons. I will make the best of it. Well, I guess I have rambled enough, I am hitting the sack. Peace out and Happy Valentine's Day to all.

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