Sunday, July 15, 2007

1/2 a year gone by....

How's it going People? Can you believe that 2007 is officially half way over? My my my how time flies as we get older. It just seems a couple of months ago that I moved to Tampa. Before you know it I will have been here a year. Not much is going on, really. I am still having trouble getting my diploma. I know I barely got through school by the hair on my nose, but still to get a duplicate copy is pure hell. There is only one company that makes the for school I went to and the company representative (who was the representative when I was in school) was a complete asshole to me. I ordered the thing 2 months ago and still haven't received it. I was moved out on the floor this week at work. It's got its good points and it has its bad points. Guess I will just have to deal with it just like they are gonna have to deal with me. I really haven't done much this week other than watching Big Brother 8 all the time live online and on TV when it comes on. I am going to apply to be a house guest next year, even if I have to take a leave of absence from work. LOL. I did the yard today in the middle of the day. I couldn't cut it first thing this morning because it was still wet from yesterday's rains. It didn't take but about 1.5 hours to do all of it. I got a little sun in the meantime as well. I bought my ticket over to Daytona this coming weekend. I haven't been over there since Memorial Day Weekend. I miss Missy and Tommy so much. Missy says he will be coming over here in August for a few days. That should be lots of fun. I may just rent a car for a couple of days if he does come over. Who knows? LOL. Well, I'm off to bed, Peace out. I will be adding some pictures on the next blog. I finally got pictures that I had on my cell phone transferred by bluetooth over to the computer. I plan on uploading a variety of pics that I had on there. Okay, now off to bed. Peace out!

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Have ya missed me...

Long time, no blog People. How's it going? I haven't blogged in while since much has not been going on. Work has been pretty tedious on me. But, I am officially being kicked out of the nest tomorrow and being put out on the call center floor. That means, I am just another warm body to answer the phones officially. I have to wait until April of next year to actually see if I can get transferred off the phones and move into another department. Life around home has been normal. Rachael and I rearranged the living room, I think it is better this way. It still needs a little tweaking. It's official, my DUI is now a thing of the past. Finally after four years, I have complete closure. I reinstated my license yesterday. I am hoping to get a truck or car by years end. My vacation over Thanksgiving week was officially approved this week. So I am going to try and make a trip back home to NC and visit the family. I can't wait to see my nieces and nephew. I guess my moving to Tampa has been somewhat of a reality check. I have realized some things must happen if I want to continue being happy in life. Ben and Jerry have become best of friends it seems like. Ben literally boxes with Jerry and beats him up. But, Jerry fights back when Ben isn't looking. Maybe I can get some video uploaded on here showing the action. Well, I am going to bed. Hopefully I will blog more. Peace out!