Tuesday, January 01, 2008

2008 Is Here.

Happy New Year People. This was the first New Year that I was home and in bed by 10pm. I was sleeping soundly as it came into effect. Went out to dinner with Mary and Tommy at the Ocean Deck. Then we had a drink at the Streamline. After that Mary and Tommy left me behind at the Streamline and headed on down to Main Street for the block party they were having there. I was ready for a laydown by 930pm. Only had 4 beers and 1 shot. Finished painting my bedroom today (minus the baseboards). Got my new comforter set put on the bed and hung my pictures up on the wall. I have to paint one more wall back to white since I am going to put the projector in the bedroom. I have to it up for Jan 31st since LOST is coming back on supposedly. The writers' strike is affecting it as well, but we at least got 8 episodes a coming. Well, I am loving my job. I am looking forward to my changing of positions in Feb. Who knows, I may become a bellman. There is plenty of money to be made there, that is for sure. Well, I'm gonna finish the last couple of packs of cigarettes I have and try to stop smoking. My New Years' resolutions are the typical ones. I am determined this year to get down to 165lbs. I will stop smoking. I will get in shape. I will continue to be as happy as possible. I will get a vehicle this year as well. I see my future be bright and happier than ever. I hope you all have a prosperous New Year ahead of you and get everything you want out of it. Peace out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

glad to see you had a safe and happy new year. keep bloggin