Thursday, June 21, 2007

Some People Got Their Wish....

Hello, People. How ya'll doing? It's been an interesting week for sure. After my last post, I woke up from the nap and I started a coughing spasm. By the time I was done, I was hoarse. I lost my voice completely. What came out of my mouth sounded like a high pitched little girl. I didn't go in to work Monday. When I woke up Tuesday, the coughing had given me the worst headache and my voice was almost non-existent. I was horrible. I went to the doctor. The Dr. gave me a prescription of antibiotics and a cough syrup with codeine. The syrup worked like a charm. I passed out. I didn't get my real voice back til Wednesday. I did go back to work today, but, with a terrible headache. Listening to the people on the phone only made it worse. We finally got the dryer replaced here at the house. The old one finally died. Now it will be the dishwasher next, can't wait. Even though I rarely do the dishes as it is. Hell, I barely dirty any as it is. LOL. The yard is still dying away. I hope it dies quick. Well, it's time bed, I will post again over the weekend. Peace out!

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