Monday, November 27, 2006

6hrs to??

Happy Monday People. Its Monday night now, and I am packed and ready for my trip to Tampa. I have my resumes in a folder ready to go. I have only 6 hrs to go and my 11 day vacation begins. I have to say, this is the first time in life I have been able to enjoy a vacation and actually get to leave town. I wanna thank my dearest friends in Tampa for their hospitality and helping me throughout the transition to my relocating to Tampa. Then I get to go back home to NC and visit my family and close friends. I wanna thank my Mom for buying the ticket to fly home. I'm so looking forward to getting to see my family. It has been at least 4.5yrs since we have all been together. I think its awesome that we all can be together during the holidays since in the past years my older sister and her family have been half way around the world in Germany and I have lived down here in Florida for the most part of almost 9yrs now. Funny how I look back in life back when I moved to Florida in 2-98 and all the challenges I have faced and overcome to get where I am in life. I'm 31yrs old and I'm finally making the right decisions in life. I guess those challenges in life are part of the maturing and becoming an adult. LOL. Maybe it has taken me a lot longer than most to get to this point. But that's probably due to the delayed childhood for the first 10 years of my life. I'm grateful to those selected few (you all know who you are) who have accepted me as part of their families and as a friend. Who would have ever thought with my history, that I could be somewhat of a normal human. I am thankful for being in good health and having my sanity. Okay, guess my sentimental moment is coming to an end as my eyelids start shuttering. Woo Hoo....I'm on vacation, I'm so excited. I will do my best to keep blogging throughout the vacation and add some pics as well. Til we will blog again, PEACE OUT !!!

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