Monday, May 14, 2007

Triple Whammy....

Hey Hey Hey People. Well, I decided I have to let you know about to saga that has been going on since Friday. It has only gotten more mind boggling. On Saturday, Rachael and Lisa went to our friend's salon to get Rachael's hair colored. You know from the pictures that Rach's hair was somewhat blond. Well, now its a nice dark brown. She really looks charming with brown hair. Michael did an excellent job with her. Rachael and her brother, Grant, rode in the rental car over to Daytona for mother's day. Grant's truck was over there since he borrowed their mom's BF's truck, to drive around in Tampa so he wouldn't attract attention to himself in his souped up truck. He's got one of those low rider trucks that is decked out with dark tinted windows, too loud of a music system, and very expensive shiny rims. While, they were in Daytona, he decided he was going to low his truck even more. Well, poor Rach, was ready to leave during the day, so she could get back and not have to drive through the afternoon thunderstorms in the rental. So, Grant wanted Rachael follow him back since his license is suspended until May 21st because of the DUI he got the first week I moved here in January. They didn't get back home last night until after 11pm. Well, I had a very hard time sleeping last night and I decided this morning that I might as well help Rachael get her car back and get the rental returned today. Wouldn't you know it, I was sitting out in the living room playing with Ben and Rachael comes around the corner saying, Grant called and said he was pulled over by a cop. You wanna talk about someone going into a frenzy, poor Rach called her mom and Grant's boss, to let them know he was going to jail. Then, we got another call from Grant saying that someone had to come pick his truck up that was licensed. So, I told Rachael, I would risk driving the rental and follow her in his truck. We got to where he was pulled over by the state trooper. The state trooper pulled him over because of his illegally dark window tint. Grant royally screwed himself by riding around in his truck. We aren't really sure as to what is going to happen to him. Because now he has violated his probation, he will definitely be going to jail for that. We aren't sure as to what is going to happen when he goes to appear before the judge. He's at risk of spending up to 9 months in jail because that's how much probation he had. I remember when I got my DUI back in July '03. I remember how selfish I was at the time, not to think of the consequences for my actions. My DUI was the biggest wake up call of all time, because of my stupidity for not telling a sole what I was doing or where I was going. And that came back and bit me in the ass, because of my selfishness, I waited til I found a job in Daytona almost 3 weeks later before I finally told my family where I was and what had happened. But, the damage from what I had done, was soon to be learned. Wanna talk about shock, I sent an email to my mom and sister, Robin, telling them about the DUI and my leaving NC overnight only to come back to Daytona. Robin sent me back an email telling me that Dad had passed away a few days before and had buried him the day before I sent them the email. I think about that situation in my life alot since it has helped me grow more mature and think about the outcome of things before actually doing something ridiculous. Daddy always said, "If you lay in the bed, you have to make it". He also said, "If you dance, you have to pay the fiddler". He was so right in a lot of the things he said and the way he raised us. I think about Dad alot, and today is birthday, and I know he's up there watching above. I wanna wish him happy 57th Bday. Miss ya Daddy. Mom called today and told me she received her gift today. So, I can tell you I got her a nice trinket box. The picture doesn't do it justice at all. It has Swarovski crystals on it and it plays "Always in my Heart". I hope she enjoys it. I wish could have been in NC for Mother's day, but that's the price you pay for living so far away. I hope to go up later this year and visit for a week or so. But of course that all depends on what happens between now and then. Well, it's been an hour now that I have been blogging, I am going to sign off for now, hopefully, the next blog will be on a Happier note. Peace out!!

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