Monday, April 09, 2007

Missy is coming, Missy is coming...

Hey y'all People. Did you forget about me? It's been a rather long week since I have posted anything. It's not that anything drastic happen, it's just been hectic at work and me just doing what I do best, and that's being lazy around the house. Let me catch you guys up to things as quickly as possible. Monday was not a bad day at work, I actually was in a great mood afterwards. I went with Trace to her house and we headed over to Peabody's. We had a blast as usual. We actually talked Trace's best friend Leora in to going with us. We all know Trace isn't a pool shark, but she is getting better. But, Leora seems to be a pool shark. She looks too innocent to play pool as well as she did. I am by far the greatest player out there. But, I do good for as little as I play. I remember the first time ever playing pool was back in the mid 80's when I was a kid in Grandfather Home before my family adopted me. We had a pool table in the basement, but I was the youngest kid in that cottage (Hickory Cottage was the name of it). I was only about 9 or 10. All the other guys in there were 14 and up. I was a rambunctious child in the day. LOL. But anyways, the guys would always beat me at pool, but before I left there, I was actually playing pretty good. Moving on, after pool, we all played some darts. Which, somehow I won for the night, woo hoo. I didn't do too much on Tuesday because work was so miserable. But, then on Weds. I made that dreaded trip to my least favorite store that I love to spend money in. With me getting sick and the first of the month all together, I ran the cupboards empty. I went to WalMart and spent $260. But, I made sure, I will not have buy food for a while. Rachael hates taking me because I stockpile so much stuff. But, I only have to go there once every 2-3 months. We got back and I got everything put up with 10 mins to spare before LOST came on. Which, by the way, is slowly getting back on track. The show irks me, but I'm too far in it to ever walk away from watching it. I know way too much about what is going on and I know too much about the characters to give up on them. I guess they caught me hook, line, and sinker. LOL. On Thursday I relaxed and bummed around the house. Friday, was a rather easy day, with all the people thinking we were closed for Good Friday, bah, didn't happen. LOL. When Rachael and I got home, I still had to break the big packs of meat apart to be frozen, so in an hour's time, I baked some Chicken with Tomato and Pesto sauce on top of some shells. Man, I tell ya, that Chicken was soooo good. We watched some Planet Earth which is always good and then we both called it an early night. Well, she did. I had a friend stop by and we partied until about 1030am Saturday morning. We had a blast. I slept in until around 630pm and then got up and ate some leftovers. I crashed rather early Saturday night, and slept like a baby until yesterday morning around 10am. I grabbed the laptop and headed out into the living room and hooked up the projector. I have subscribed to this cool online game site called GameTap. They have all the classic games from the past. It always reminds me of the first time I got to play the Atari 2600. My family brought me home when the adopted me, and I know my sisters and I played Pitfall, River Raid, and Kaboom until daylight the next morning. I loved that Atari. I have been playing all of the Pitfalls, Dig Dug, Kaboom, Freeway, Frogger, Asteroids, PacMan, and so many more I can remember right now, because it gets me so excited. But, the only difference is, playing it on the computer, you don't get the satisfaction from that old joystick with a single fire button. We never got to experience the Nintendo generation, but luckily we experienced the Atari one. Hehe. Today, at work, I was so calm and relaxed it was rather nice. LOL. I got an email from my supervisor that tomorrow morning I have my "interview" to be hired on full time with the State. They blew smoke up our asses, last week making us think it would happen last Friday. I figure since they actually gave us appointment times, that it finally is happening. If it is going to happen, it will be on April 20th. Which that will be a blessing in disguise once I get used to getting paid bi-weekly again. But, I wont have to wait to start benefits. Gonna get me some cheap life insurance, expensive medical insurance, and cry the rest of the way to the bank. LMAO. Wow, I have blogged about a lot in the last 30 mins, but I am officially announcing that Missy is coming to visit. I arranged for him to get over and visit for a couple of days. He's going to stay Thursday and leave on Saturday. It will be so great to see him. Its been a little over a month since I saw him last, but it seems like a lot longer. We always hung out pretty much most every day if not every other day. It's going to be a lot of fun. Give him a few beers and some time he will dig in the few totes left in the garage and he will finish decorating the bar, hehehe, better he than me drilling the holes just to hammer a nail on those brick walls. LMAO. I may even take a half day off, time will tell on that one. Speaking of bar, I having been working on designing the next one here on my computer. It's going to be a plain bar, but its going to have the nicities that all bar's should have. It's going to be a portable bar with electricity and hopefully it will have a beermeister in it. But, the best thing about this bar, is it is mine and it will be one of those pieces of furniture that will go with me everywhere. Hehehe. So much for keeping this short, but its now time for me to play some Uno on the phone and fall asleep. Be safe and PEACE OUT!!

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