Tuesday, March 06, 2007

If it's not one thing, it's another...

Hiya People. Hope your weeek is going better than mine. We got the water bill before heading over to Daytona last week. I $hit brown bricks when I opened it. The water bill was $150. They said we used 13520 gallons in a month. Uh, hello???it's only Rachael and me here and we damn well haven't used that much water. We checked the meter and they read it wrong. After they came back and re-read it the billed dropped to $59 for the almost 2 months we have been here. Much better, I know. Well, then, thinking it couldn't get any worse, I hopped in the shower on Monday morning and realized that when I was standing in a couple of inches of water I noticed the drain wasnt working. I don't have a tub, but the nice little 4 inch lip that keep the water in. I hopped out of the shower and wrapped up in a towel and went searching for the plunger. When I went in Rachael's bathroom I noticed that her tub had actually backed up and it wasn't a pretty sight. So then I called out of work and waited for the handy man to get here and fix it. He came and snaked it ad cleared the line out. So I get up this morning all happy to go to work. Work was great. I took 61 calls today. That's not bad for the 2nd day on the phone. Time really flies when on the phone thats for sure. So I got off work at 5 and I was as chippery as can be, I got home and in my home attire and grabbed me a beer. I had to go out in the garage for something. It's a good thing I did. The damn hot water heater had sprung a hefty leak and it had soaked half the garage already. So, I'm starting to figure this house is cursed or we are cursed. Guess the best part is we rent and don't have to worry about paying for these crazy repairs. Well, I'm off to bed. Sweet dreams. Peace out!!

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